Chris Hennis
District Attorney
Fax: 601-847-3428
2021 – Present
Mailing Address – 100 Court Avenue, Suite 4; Mendenhall, Mississippi 39114
The Office of the District Attorney prosecutes the following felony crimes:
- Murder
- Manslaughter
- Sex Crimes
- Aggravated Assault
- Arson
- Kidnapping
- Robbery
- Burglary
- Grand Larceny
- Fraud
- Forgery
- False Pretenses
- Embezzlement
- Identity Theft
- Felony DUI
- Drug Crimes
In addition, the District Attorney also handles:
- Grand Jury
- Victim Assistance
- Bad Checks
- Drug Court (Represents the State)
- Pre-Trial Intervention
- Revocations
As a general rule, any crime which may constitute one or more years in jail is considered a felony. The District Attorney does not prosecute misdemeanors, such as speeding tickets, or any civil matters.
The District Attorney has an open door policy. Please contact him with any concerns.